Jumat, 05 Juni 2009

she is my bff but sometimes she likes to lie me. this isn't the meanig that you can lie me until you satisfied because confidence is important for me. sella has much of acne on her cheek, she is short and has a flat nose. she is so freak. i like to share my experience and other news include hollywood news with her. i felt comfy when i share with her. that's the good side of sella. now, she is arrogant and more freak she is a big fans of the one popular artist in hollywood a.k.a cole sprouse.
this is the story:
suatu hari dia nelpon gue dan dia bilang dia ditembak sama cole lewat IM. yah ampun... gue ga bakal percaya kali karena dia itu anaknya suka boong. dia bilang cole kenal dia lewat icq abis itu cole nanya IM-nya dan nembak dia lewat IM. weird...

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8.1's students

blog lama tapi baru

sebenarnya blog ini udah lama gue buat, dari kelas 7. tapi baru akhir-akhir ini gue urusin. kalo blog gue yang lama itu isinya ga mutu( yang sekarang juga sih). yang dulu isinya cuma lirik-lirik lagu sama artikel-artikel gajebo. kalo lirik lagu liat di google juga banyak.
pertama kali gue tau blog itu dari citra. jadi, pas gw lagi chatting sama citra dia ngajakin gue buat blog. sebenernya sih gue males buatnya. tapi akhirnya gue buat juga(buat nyenengin hatinya, nggak deh)